style=\”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;\”>英语口语1000句(451-500句)红石坊
<h3>451. what do you plan to do tomorrow?</h3><h3>明日你方案干啥?</h3><h3>452. i doubt that i’ll do anything tomorrow.</h3><h3>明日恐怕我啥也不做。</h3><h3>453. please excuse me for a little while. i want to do something.</h3><h3>对不住,稍等会儿,我要办点事。</h3><h3>454. i imagine i’ll do some work instead of going to the movies.</h3><h3>我想干点事,不去看影片。</h3><h3>455. will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?</h3><h3>你把你的方案向他讲一下,便利吗?</h3><h3>456. there’s nothing to do because tomorrow is a holliday.</h3><h3>明日没事做的,因为明日是周末。</h3><h3>457. what’s your brother planning to do tomorrow?</h3><h3>你哥哥明日方案去哪儿?</h3><h3>458. he can’t decide what to do.</h3><h3>他无法抉择该做啥。</h3><h3>459. it’s difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts.</h3><h3>不晓得悉数实际而去作抉择是困难的。</h3><h3>460. we’re trying to plan our future. 咱们在尽力方案咱们的将来。</h3><h3>461. that’s a good idea. 好主意。</h3><h3>462. i’m hoping to spend a few days in the mountains.</h3><h3>我期望在山上消磨几天。</h3><h3>463. would you consider going north this summer?</h3><h3>你思考本年夏天去北方吗?</h3><h3>464. if there’s a chance you’ll go, i’d like to go with you.</h3><h3>假定你有机缘去的话,我想和你一同去。</h3><h3>465. after you think it over, please let me know what you decide.</h3><h3>在你细心思考之后,请让我晓得你抉择怎么做。 466. i’m anxious to know what your decision is.</h3><h3>我很想晓得你的抉择。</h3><h3>467. i’m confident you’ve made the right choice.</h3><h3>我很有决心,你做了个正确的抉择。</h3><h3>468. i want to persuade you to change your mind.</h3><h3>我期望能?的悖愿亩愕墓勰睢?lt;/h3><h3>469. will you accept my advice? 你会承受我的主张吗?</h3><h3>470. what have you decided? 你抉择了啥?</h3><h3>471. i’ve definitely decided to go to california.</h3><h3>我必定去过加利福尼亚。</h3><h3>472. he didn’t want to say anything to influence my decision.</h3><h3>他啥都不想说,避免影响我的抉择。</h3><h3>473. she refuses to make up her mind.她回绝下决计。</h3><h3>474. i assume you’ve decided against buying a new car.</h3><h3>我猜测你现已下定决计不再买新车了。</h3><h3>475. it took him a long time to make up his mind.</h3><h3>他用了好久才下定决计。</h3><h3>476. you can go whenever you wish. 你可以去你想去的当地。</h3><h3>477. we’re willing to accept your plan. 咱们方案承受你的方案。</h3><h3>478. he knows it’s inconvenient ,but he wants to go anyway.</h3><h3>他晓得不便利,但他不管如何都想走。</h3><h3>479. according to mr. green, this is a complicated problem.</h3><h3>听格林先生讲,这是一个凌乱的疑问。</h3><h3>480. she insists that it doesn’t make any difference to her.</h3><h3>她深信那不会给她带来任何不一样。</h3><h3>481. are you going to go any place this year?</h3><h3>本年你方案去其他当地吗?</h3><h3>482. if i have enough money,i’m going to take a trip abroad.</h3><h3>假定我有满足的钱,我就会出国旅行。</h3><h3>483. how are you going?are you going by boat?</h3><h3>你方案怎样去?是不是方案搭船去?</h3><h3>484. it’s faster to go by plane than by boat.坐飞机比坐船快。</h3><h3>485. wha

t’s the quickest way to get there?</h3><h3>到那儿最快的交通方法是啥?</h3><h3>486. altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.</h3><h3>这次旅行可以要花费十天的时刻。</h3><h3>487. i hope you have a good time on your trip.祝你旅途开心。</h3><h3>488. i’m leaving tomorrow,but i haven’t packed my suitcases yet.</h3><h3>我明日启航,可是如今还没有收拾好我的箱子。</h3><h3>489. i’m going by air.i like flying.我方案坐飞机去,我喜爱乘飞机。</h3><h3>490. my brother took a trip to mexico.我哥哥去了莫斯科旅行。</h3><h3>491. it was a six-hour flight. 这是6小时的航程。</h3><h3>492. how many passengers were on the train? 火车上有多少乘客?</h3><h3>493. his friend was injured in an airplane crash.</h3><h3>他的兄弟在飞机事端中受伤。</h3><h3>494. would you like to go for a walk? 你喜爱去散漫步吗?</h3><h3>495. let’s go out to the airport. the plane landed ten minutes ago.</h3><h3>让咱们去机场。飞机在非常钟前就现已着陆了。</h3><h3>496. i’m going shopping because i need to buy some clothes.</h3><h3>我想去商铺,因为我需要买些衣裳。</h3><h3>497. if this shirt doesn’t fit,may i bring it back later?</h3><h3>假定这个衬衣不合身,我能将它带回来吗?</h3><h3><br></h3>