首页 英语培训班 60个英语口语训练,帮助您说一口流利英语(英语口语训练60篇大学)





1. 去图书馆借书时的对话:A: Excuse me, where can I find the English books? B: The English books are on the second floor. A: Thank you!
2. 超市购物时的对话:A: How much is this bag of apples? B: It\’s $1.99 per pound. A: Okay, I\’ll take two pounds.
3. 在餐厅点餐时的对话:A: Could I have a menu, please? B: Of course, here you go. A: I\’ll have the spaghetti carbonara, please.

. 在火车站询问信息时的对话:A: Excuse me, when is the next train to London? B: The next train to London is at 8:45 am. A: Thank you for your help!
5. 在医院看病时的对话:A: I have a terrible headache. B: I will make an appointment for you to see the doctor. A: Thank you so much.


6. 在面试时的自我介绍:A: Good morning, my name is John. B: Nice to meet you, John. Please tell me about yourself. A: I graduated from ABC University with a degree in Business Administration.
7. 在商务会议上发言:A: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a new idea for our project. B: Please go ahead, John. A: Thank you. I think we should focus on expanding our market in Asia.
8. 在客户面前演示产品:A: Welcome to our company. Let me show you our latest product. B: Thank you, John. I\’m excited to see it. A: This product is designed to improve efficiency and save costs.
9. 跟同事讨论工作计划:A: Hi, Sarah. Have you finished the report for the meeting? B: Not yet, John. I still need some data. A: Okay, let\’s work on it together.
10. 跟上级汇报工作进展:A: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I would like to you on the progress of the project. B: Please go ahead, John. A: We have completed 80% of the tasks and are on track to meet the deadline.


11. 在机场办理登机手续时的对话:A: Excuse me, where can I check in for my flight? B: The check-in counter is over there. A: Thank you!
12. 在酒店办理入住手续时的对话:A: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of John Smith. B: Yes, Mr. Smith. Here is your room key. A: Thank you!
13. 在旅游景点向导游咨询问题时的对话:A: Excuse me, what time does the tour start? B: The tour starts at 10 o\’clock in the morning. A: Thank you for the information.
14. 在外国餐厅点菜时的对话:A: Could you recommend a local specialty? B: Sure, our signature dish is the seafood paella. A: I\’ll have that, please.
15. 在出租车上告诉司机目的地时的对话:A: Excuse me, I would like to go to the airport. B: Sure, get in. A: Thank you!


16. 用英语描述一张图片:This picture depicts a beautiful sunset over the ocean, with vibrant colors filling the sky.
17. 用英语给朋友讲解一道数学题:Okay, so to solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

18. 用英语描述一本好看的小说:This novel is a captivating story about love, betrayal, and redemption set in the 19th century.
19. 用英语介绍自己最喜欢的电影:My favorite movie is \”The Shawshank Redemption\”, which is a powerful story about hope and the resilience of the human spirit.
20. 用英语讲述一次难忘的旅行经历:During my trip to Japan, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage of the country and try traditional foods like sushi and ramen.


21. 在派对上认识新朋友时的对话:A: Hi, I\’m John. B: Nice to meet you, John. I\’m Sarah. A: How do you know the host?
22. 在社交场合介绍自己的职业时的对话:A: So, what do you do for a living? B: I\’m a software engineer. How about you? A: I\’m a teacher.
23. 在参加婚礼时的对话:A: The bride looks stunning, doesn\’t she? B: Yes, she does. The wedding ceremony was beautiful. A: Indeed, it was a magical moment.
24. 在开朗的氛围中跟朋友开玩笑:A: Did

you hear about the leprechaun who won the lottery? B: No, what happened? A: He became a \”wealchy\” (wealthy) man!
25. 在社交聚会上向别人推荐一个有趣的活动:A: Have you tried escape rooms before? It\’s a fun activity where you solve puzzles to escape from a locked room.


关于作者: acad2018
