首页 英语成人口语培训 外贸商务英语口语对话(外贸商务英语口语对话)





A: Good morning. I\’m interested in your product. Can you provide me with a quotation?
B: Good morning. Sure, what product are you interested in?
A: I\’m interested in your electronic gadgets, specifically the latest smartphone model.
B: Alright, can you please provide me with the quantity you need and the country of delivery?
A: We would like to order 500 units and the delivery will be to the United States.
B: Understood. Let me check the current price for you.

A: 早上好。我对你们的产品很感兴趣,你能给我报个价吗?
B: 早上好。当然可以,请问你对哪个产品感兴趣?
A: 我对你们的电子小玩意儿很感兴趣,特别是最新款的智能手机。
B: 好的,请问你能提供需要的数量和交货国家吗?
A: 我们希望订购500台,发货到美国。
B: 明白了。我帮你查一下目前的价格。


A: Thank you for providing me with the quotation. Can we negotiate on the price?
B: Of course, we are open to negotiations. What price range are you looking for?
A: We were hoping for a slightly lower price than your initial quotation. Can you offer a discount?
B: We can consider a 5% discount if you place an order for a larger quantity.
A: How about a 10% discount? We are willing to increase our order to 1000 units.
B: I can discuss this with my manager and get back to you.

A: 谢谢你给我提供报价。我们能谈一下价格吗?
B: 当然可以,我们可以进行谈判。你需要什么价格区间?
A: 我们希望比你们的初始报价稍微低一些。你们能提供折扣吗?
B: 如果你们订购数量更多,我们可以考虑给予5%的折扣。
A: 那10%的折扣呢?我们愿意增加订单至1000台。
B: 我可以和经理商讨一下,然后回复你。


A: Thank you for considering our request. When can we expect a reply?
B: Please give me a day to discuss it with my manager. I will get back to you tomorrow.
A: That sounds reasonable. Please let us know if there are any changes.
B: Definitely. We will inform you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
A: You\’re welcome. We look forward to your reply.

A: 感谢你们考虑我们的要求。我们能在什么时候得到答复?
B: 请给我一天的时间和经理商讨。我明天会回复你。
A: 那听起来很合理。如果有任何变化,请告诉我们。
B: 当然。我们会尽快通知你。感谢你的耐心等待。
A: 不客气。我们期待你们的回复。


A: We have received your confirmation. How can we proceed with the payment?
B: We accept bank transfer or letter of credit as the payment method. Which one do you prefer?
A: We would like to proceed with a bank transfer. Please provide us with your bank account details.
B: Sure, I will email you the necessary information. Once the payment is received, we will start the delivery process.
A: Thank you. We appreciate your efficient service.

A: 我们收到你们的确认了。我们如何进行付款?
B: 我们接受银行转账或信用证付款方式。你们更喜欢哪一种?
A: 我们想用银行转账的方式。请提供你们的银行账户信息。
B: 当然,我会将相关信息发送给你。一旦收到款项,我们将开始交付流程。
A: 谢谢。我们对你们高效的服务表示赞赏。


A: We have just received the delivery. The products are in good condition. Thank you for your prompt delivery.
B: We are glad to hear that. If there are any issues or questions, please don\’t hesitate to contact us.
A: Sure, we will let you know if there are any problems. Once again, thank you for your cooperation.
B: You\’re welcome. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

A: 我们刚刚收到交货。产品的品相良好。感谢你们的快速交付。
B: 我们很高兴听到这个消息。如果有任何问题或疑问,请随时与我们联系。
A: 当然,如果有任何问题我们会告诉你们。再次感谢你们的合作。
B: 不客气。我们很愉快地与你们进行交易。



关于作者: acad2018
